Today, I went to gym. Going to the gym has become my routine of this break.
I saw children practicing Bball on the floor. It seemed that today was the day of practicing Bball of local children. their parents, brothers, and sisters also came to see the practice.
Seeing them, I thought like " wow, this is American children! they are really good. There is way too big difference between here and Japan in terms of physical strength and skills."
Even 6 or 7-year-kids show dribbling skills like through-the-leg dribble and behind-the-back dribble. they were cool. When I was small like them, I didn't play like that, no, I couldn't.
In here, basketball culture is rooted in their life. And I feel they cherish their culture and try to protect it. Japanese including me need to think and protect our culture more and more.
I felt jealousy to them a little bit. Anyway, basketball is great!
When I have children, I'll let them join basketball club or some other clubs.
Yuki Shirasaka
from gym..
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